جب روس کا قلب و جگر خون ہو گیا تو اس کے ضمیر سے لا کا لفظ اٹھ کھڑا ہوا۔
As the heart of Russia was sorely afflicted, the word No came out of the depths of her being.
(Depth of being: The word used by Iqbal, damir, signifies conscience, heart, and hence inner recesses of mind. This is a peculiar use of the word in Iqbal. The Qur’an says (xli. 53): ‘We will show them Our signs in the outer world and in the inner world (of self).’ The actual word used is anfus which the mystics regard as a region where they receive illumination and hence are able to arrive at the truth, mentioned in the above Qur’anic verse. This region of mystic experience may be called qalb (mentioned in the Qur’an, xxxii. 7-9) about which Iqbal says: ‘It is, according to the Qur’an, something which ‘sees’, and its reports, if properly interpreted, are never false’ (Reconstruction). In Javid Namah, Allamah says: ‘If you possess the spirit of a true Muslim, look into your heart and the Qur’an, a hundred new worlds lie in its verses, whole centuries are involved in its moments.)