دین کا راز ہمارے لیے سنی سنائی بات ہے اور اس کے لیے مشاہدہ ہے، گویا وہ گھر کے اندر ہے اور ہم دروازے سے باہر کھڑے ہیں۔
The essence of faith for us is report, for him it is vision*; he is within the house while we are outside the door;
* The polarity of khabar, information, report, and nazar, vision, is as recurrent in Iqbal as the polarities of jamal (beauty) and jalal (majesty), love and reason, light and fire (nur and nar), seclusion and association (khalwat and jalwat), dhikr and fikr, et’. Report denotes knowledge gained through books, hearsay, i.e. from second-hand sources, and stands for reason, while vision stands for knowledge gained through personal experience and hence leading to deep conviction (Mahmud Nizami, Malfuzat)… He states in Zabur-i ‘Ajam, the really Free Man, the leader of mankind, is one who has enjoyed this vision. Though this vision in its complete and perfect form is vouch safed to a few only, its reflections can and do reach ordinary people, for it is the degree of this vision which will determine the place of the individual in the scale of moral and spiritual excellence. A person’s religiousness, he states, depends upon this degree of vision: ‘If you do not enjoy vision, your faith is only compulsion.’