The Muslim is to be endowed again from the God’s Court with Turkoman’s dignity*, Indian’s intellect**, Arab’s eloquence.***
* They are members of any of the chiefly Muslim Turkish tribes inhabiting Turkomanistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakistan. During the period of the zenith of the Muslim world the people of this region were a formidable force and ruled over a vast territory from Central Asia to India. They were very much respected for their prowess and political power. **In ancient times in the fourth and fifth centuries B.C. India was famous for its learning and intellect. In this respect it was one of the five prominent cultures of that period, viz. Indian, Greek, Zoroastrian, Egyptian, and Chinese. ***In the pre-Islamic as well as in the early Islamic period Arabs were famous for their proficiency in language. They were so proud of the richness, prosody and rhetoric of their language that they called other nations as dumb and mute (`ajam). This word became and still is synonymous with “non-Arab” though the epithet no longer applies.)