صبح کے وقت جب آبادی و صحرا میں روشنی پھیل گئی؛ تو درخت کی شاخ سے پرندے نے آواز دی:
اے فرزند صحرا! خیمہ چھوڑ ! ذوق سفر کے بغیر کوئی زندگی نہیں ۔
When all the desert sides were bright from dawn; from tree a bird tuned to a youth in lawn.
O desert’s son! Leave thy tent with haste; you lead a dull life which lacks journey taste.
(In the above three quatrains (twin couplets) the poet has addressed an immaculate son of the desert, a young Muslim, free from the impure taints of city life. In the next couplets he has addressed the upper strata, the intellectuals, the teachers and philosophers of the desert land.)