The imagination of Urfi has created a mansion, which has became the envy of Sina* and Farabi** (Both at the end)
* Abu Husain Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Hasan Ibn A1i Ibn Sina (Avicenna of the West) (980-1037): He was born at Afshinah near Bukharah, Turkistan. He obtained his early education at Bukharah, where he showed signs of genius from the very beginning and was well versed in Qur’anic learning. He studied from Abu Abd Allah al-Natili, who was a leading philosopher then. Later he studied on his own. At the age of 17 he had full knowledge of medicine, geometry, logic, astronomy, physics and metaphysics. In medicine he earned ever-lasting reputation, and attracted leading physicians of his day to himself for consultation. His extraordinary intelligence and innovative thinking created much jealousy among his contemporary intelligentsia. This made his career very chequered. Though he is most famous as a physician he has made outstanding and lasting contributions to philosophy, logic, occult sciences, mathematics, astronomy, music, poetry, ethics, and geology. His valuable discoveries in many sciences were the fore runners of important later discoveries. Though he made monumental contributions to all the above sciences his greatest contribution was to medicine and philosophy…
His medical books remained the chief treatises on medicine in Europe and Asia from the 12th to the 17th century and are still used in the Muslim countries in the so called system of Greek medicine (which is really Islamic medicine on account of the great contributions of Muslims to it). Thus Ibn Sina was the master of sciences, philosophy and metaphysics and the father of several of the sciences. His views on matter placed him in conflict with religious scholars and Sufis like Imam Ghazali. Among the many tributes that Western scientists and historians have paid to Ibn Sina is the naming of a genus of tropical trees called Avicenna which has many species…
Allamah Iqbal has mentioned him in his works in connection with the controversies of Intellect and Intuition. In spite of his great respect for Ibn Sina for his learning and originality Allamah Iqbal considers his attributes inadequate for comprehension of the Truth…)
** Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Tarakhan Nasr Farabi (870-950): He is one of the greatest giants of the intellectual world of the middle ages. He was born at Farab in Turkistan. After obtaining his early education in Farab and Bukharah he settled in Baghdad where he lived for 40 years (901-42). His intellectual interests were philosophy, music and poetry. After traveling through Damascus and Egypt he settled down in Halab (Aleppo) where he lived till his death. There he received the patronage of Hamanite ruler Saif al-Dawlah and stayed at his court along with another intellectual, Mutanabbi (Abu Tayyib Ahmad Bin Al Husain Al-Mutanabbi (915-55).
He had full command over Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Persian and Turkish languages but could speak another 65. He was a Sufi but was a genius and had encyclopedic knowledge of philosophy, logic, politics, occult sciences, sociology, psychology, political science, metaphysics, mathematics and medical science. He was a prolific writer and left over a hundred books, out of which only 15-20 exist, including several treatises on Plato and Aristotle’s theories…
He interpreted numerous dogmas and religious concepts and offered rational explanations of such intricate thoughts as prophecy, inspiration, heavens, destiny and the Arsh. He is considered as the founder of philosophical theology, which was later explained more fully by Fakhr al-Din Razi… Allamah Iqbal has referred to al-Farabi in his long poem; ‘Tulo-i-Islam (The Renaissance of Islam); in which he says that ‘the renaissance of Islam is so much shrouded in Divine mystery that even a scholar of al-Farabi’s caliber cannot understand it’.)