This appeared obviously contrary to the Shari‘ah and was considered heretic by the ulama of the time, including Junaid Baghdadi, who passed the edict of death against him. He was imprisoned for about a year by the Khalifah pending his final judgment, which was ultimately given against him. He was hanged, his body was burnt and the ashes were blown into the air. Mansoor recited The Holy Qur’an 42: 18 (part), which says, ‘only those wish to hasten it (the Hour) who believe not in it: those who believe hold it in awe, and know that it is the Truth’.
The cry of Mansoor has made him perhaps the most controversial figure in the spiritual history of Islam. The Sufis are divided about the justice of the edict, but the ulama are unanimous in their opinion on its correctness and justice. Allamah Iqbal also was against Mansoor… however, more study, contemplation and meditation convinced him about the correctness of Mansoor, and he has praised his sincere and ardent Love for God.)