کيف و کم :چیزوں کی کیفیت اور مقدار ۔ کیف و کم کا عالم یعنی دانا۔
Is he so insolent that even angry with God he is? Is he the same Man who once worshipped by angels was?
He is the knower of Kamm, and of the enigmas of Kaif; but, he is unacquainted with the secrets of modesty.
Mankind is proud of the power of their rhetoric; these ignorant people are incapable of talking!
(Kaif and Kamm: These are two terms of Greek philosophy which were adopted by the early Muslim philosophers. They concern properties of matter. Kaif refers to the qualitative properties or ‘attributes’, such as colour, taste, big, small etc. Kamm refers to quantitative properties and is derived from Aristotle’s ten categories. It includes volume, length, age, weight etc. These two terms were the precursors of the Muslim philosophy of Existence. This philosophy dealt with two aspects of the Existence of God, i.e. the ‘Sifaat (attributes) of God’ and the Dhat (Essence) of God’. Together these two terms give the complete knowledge about something. This verse means that though Man is conversant with all knowledge about God and His universe he is not aware of the secrets and qualities of modesty.)