میرے لیے اپنے جسم کی ہڈیاں ٹوٹ جانا اس قدر باعث شرم نہیں، جس قدر دوسروں کے سامنے مومیائی کے لیے ہاتھ پھیلا نا ۔
‘I do not feel as much ashamed of being broken down as in asking others for momiya’i* for my treatment.
* This is a medicinal substance which appears from rocks in lime stone formations in mountains. It is believed to have extraordinary tonic and healing properties. Geologically the closest substances to momiya’i are ‘stalactite’ and ‘stalacmite’. The former is formed very slowly when the water containing calcium bicarbonate drips down slowly from the roof of a cave of lime stone rock. The deposit hangs from the roof of the cave like icicles. The latter is also made up of calcium bicarbonate and is formed in the same way at the bottom of the cave. The verse means that being defeated is better than gaining success through begging help from others.)